
We are a peer support group for men who identify themselves as gay, bisexual, questioning, or otherwise attracted to men and are now or have been in a relationship with a woman, are contemplating a relationship, or have related questions or problems.

Some members are in satisfying, conventional marriages, some in less happy ones.  Some are separated or divorced; some have lovers.  Some have never had a sexual experience with a man, and some have   worked   out   unique   living arrangements.  Some have had free and open discussions with their spouses and children.  Others have never spoken to anyone about their feelings.   All are welcome and should find among us others who share their experience.

GAMMA has no official party line.  It neither encourages nor discourages its members from continuing or forming relationships with their wives or other women.  Rather, it seeks to assist each man in finding his own best road to travel in life.  Much of this is accomplished through open, candid, and sympathetic sharing of thoughts, experiences and feelings.

GAMMA meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. During the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, GAMMA is conducting all meetings online via the Zoom platform.  For our meeting schedule, request to join us at our presence or at our presence.  For more details go to Where We Meet.  Meetings are open, sharing discussions facilitated by experienced members of the group.  Typically, the group meetings are attended by ten to fifteen men so there is ample opportunity for each man to talk about the issues challenging him, if he so desires.

Men attending for the first time are afforded an opportunity to discuss their particular situations and to ask questions of the group, or they may choose not to say anything at all.  From time to time, outside speakers are invited to present topics of general interest, but time is always allowed for supportive discussion.  A voluntary contribution is requested at the end of the meeting to help meet expenses ($5.00 is suggested), but there are no mandatory dues or fees.  After meetings, members often socialize at a nearby establishment.

GAMMA does not publish formal mailing or telephone listings.  However, some members choose to make their contact information available to other members of the group.

Some members find additional support by jointly participating in the many community activities available in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area.  Some Straight Spouses of GAMMA members opt to find support through PFLAG or Straight Spouse Network.

GAMMA provides a community connection through which social activities and recreational trips may be planned.